A Spike Jonze Love Story
Her is an intimate glimpse into one man’s heartbreak and his attempts to heal through a new-found friendship with “Samantha” — an AI construct. As their connection deepens, we follow Theodore (Joaquin Phoenix) and Samantha (Scarlett Johansson) on a touching — if unconventional — journey of introspection. Her is made all the more bittersweet when you realise it’s Jonze’s response to his ex-wife Coppola’s own tale of love lost and loneliness in Lost in Translation — and you can watch both on the same night at this WSC double bill. Critically acclaimed and still highly praised since its 2014 release, Her is certainly not one to be missed.
Martha Gibbs
Spike Jonze's fourth film as a director, and first as a sole writer, is a sci-fi romance which more than holds its own against the strongest of this year's Best Picture nominees.
Her tells the story of soon-to-be-divorced Theodore Twombly (played to perfection by Joaquin Phoenix) who embarks upon a rather unconventional relationship. The object of his affections, referred to wistfully in the simple yet emotive title, is an artificially intelligent operating system, voiced by Scarlett Johansson.
The cast, which also includes the fantastic Amy Adams, are great, and the script incredibly clever, but it is the cinematography that really stands out. From gorgeous shots of the futuristic skyline to a beautiful scene on a beach, each frame is a work of art, making the film a joy to watch.
The film can easily be viewed a cautionary tale about the increasing prevalence of technology in our lives - interestingly, Jonze began to work on the Oscar-winning screenplay before the reveal of the iPhone's 'Siri' and other talkative operating systems - but despite the sic-fi premise there's something fundamentally human about the story. The ups and downs of relationships, attitudes of ownership and importance of friendship are all addressed, allowing the viewer to learn many more lessons than to just put their phone down occasionally. It is definitely a must-watch!
Kat Sroga
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Screenings of this film:
2013/2014 Summer Term – (digital) |
2013/2014 Summer Term – (digital) |
2024/2025 Spring Term – (35mm) |