DM Meeting @ 2008-12-02 18:10:00
6:10pm, Kami Lounge.
(1) Welcome and apologies.
Present: Matt, George, James, Jeffrey, Natalie, Rachel.
Apologies: Mike, Pierre, Pierre, Mat, Rob, Jeffrey, Jeffrey.
(2) Rotas.
(3) Time & date of next meeting.
There will be weekly meetings next term, probably on Tuesdays at something past six.
(4) AOB
* Votes were proposed to censure the DMs not attending, make DM meetings earlier, dequalify the Chief DM, provide whips/tasers/riot gear for people on the door, and on whether this was the best meeting of term. None of these votes were taken since the meeting was not quorate.
* Rachel is excited.
* The Chief DM was thanked for the beer and lemonade.