Projectionists Meeting @ 2011-11-14 18:10:00
Monday 14/11/11 (Autumn week 7) 18:10 SSL
Present: Tim G (chair), Alex W, Kath B, Omar A, Max H, Tim D
In Attendance: Enrik N, Neil A, Andy, James M, Mike L
Apologies: Rob M, Ed M, Rob G, Yeng S
1 Welcome and Apologies
Those that were present were welcomed.
2 Training
Congratulations to Max for qualifying.
Mike's Snaps test is now completed! His Q-show is to be organised
for this Thursday, Alex and Rob are maybes, Tim G was a yes.
3 Time and Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting will take place on 21st November at 18:10 in SSL.
Fuse No. 7 on P2 has been replaced.
No. 12 fuse blew three times during Mike's Snaps test.
Meeting Ended at 18:38