DM Meeting @ 2011-10-20 00:00:00
Welcome: Veronica Lipninska, Fergus Cooper, R.H., George Marshall, James MacLachlan, Natalie Tydesley, Vanessa Kok, Mike Joy, Edward McCutcheon (f**king late but apologised)
Also in attendance: Matthew Wilkinson, Ben Wen, Timothy E Green (Chief Proj Man)
Apologies: Rob Gardner, Liam McNamara,
Rotas: Checked and sorted
Stewards: - Informed DMs to check to see if any of their stewards have done 3 shows
- We now have 52 new stewards and 112 current stewards. The plan has been to set a 4 show limit to sign ups and dropping the current need for stewards to do their shows in 2 weeks
- Not going to mail stewards to de-sign from shows if they've done more than 4
Deactivating shows - please remember to
Spare change float - there are more 50p's than usual due to the change in ticket pricing
Keys: - Please see Ed to sign the new key agreement if you haven't already
- DM locker key is currently broken and Rob is in the process of replacing it and getting a few spares
PDF-ing shows: On request and discretion of Chief DM - please feel free to ask :)
Busy show procedure: shutdown of show happens at end of trailers, not a delayed start of ads. This has been passed onto the Chief Projectionist
Time and Date of next meeting: 18:10, 27th October in Rootes Bar
AOB: Tuesday is sponsored event. Could all those who could please attend to help serve drinks and pizza, etc :)
End: 18:50
Comenced: 18:11