Projectionists Meeting @ 2012-02-27 18:10:00
Monday 27/02/12 (Spring week 8) 18:10 SSL
1. Welcome and Apologies for Absence
Present: Enrik N (Chair), Neil A, Max H, Rob M, Fergus C, Omar A, Mike L, Tim D, Andy M
In Attendance: Alex P, Sam K, James M
Apologies: Tim G, Yeng S, R. H, Georgie R
2. Technical Officer's Report
Maintenance contract from Sound Associates does include sound equipment – detailed information to arrive soon.
The clip on P1 required a re-fix.
P1 stability will get looked at the next service contract visit.
3. Training
R. H needs ATS1 & 2 – will get e-mailed to find availability.
Georgie R also needs ATS2 – will also get e-mailed for availability.
4. Projection Procedure Changes
Essentially – Enrik got trolled (still around from the pre-mystery trolling it seems)!
5. Time and Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting will be on Monday 5th March at 18:10 in the SSL.
6. AOB
James M:
- Andy M will be collected the 70mm film on Wednesday. Making up will commence once the film is here.
Fergus C
- Another reminder to projectionists to not talk loudly during shows.
Meeting Ended at 18:40