Projectionists Meeting @ 2012-03-05 18:10:00
Monday 05/03/12 (Spring week 9) 18:10 SSL
1. Welcome and Apologies for Absence
Present: Enrik N (Chair), Max H, Fergus C, Rob G, Tim D, Tristan B
In Attendance: Sam K, R. H, Georgie R
Apologies: Neil A, Yeng S, Andy M, Rob M, Ed M, Mike L, Jacqui B, Alex T
2. Technical Officer's Report
P2 spring on intermittent arm was replaced again.
3. Training
Rob G suggests playing R2 off the platter for trainee so they can gain platter practice.
R.H will get ATS1/2 on Wed from 1-3pm, Fergus C and Rob G will be around
4. Projection Procedure Changes
Enrik reminded everyone to switch off the compressor once used after a show
5. Time and Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting will be on Monday 12th March at 18:10 in the SSL.
6. AOB
Rob G:
- Be careful when sending back films that are not in a red/blue case as they should not being written in the book
Fergus C
- Projectionists are still being too loud during shows, quiet down please!
Meeting Ended at 18:40