Projectionists Meeting @ 2012-06-11 18:10:00
Monday 11/06/12 (Summer week 8) 18:10 SSL
1. Welcome and Apologies for Absence
Present: Enrik N (Chair), Fergus C, R. H, Ed M, Georgie R, Sam K, Tim G
In Attendance: Jacqui B (late)
Apologies: Rob M, Neil A, Yeng S, Rob G, Mike L
2. Technical Officer's Report
Everything for the Outdoor Screening has been paid for.
3. Training
Both R. H and Sam K had their qualification shows in the last week and both of them qualified. Congratulations were given by the committee.
4. Time and Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting will be on Monday 18th June at 18:10 in The Mighty Duck.
5. AOB
Fergus C:
- Recently a discussion has arisen as to how lighting should be put up at the end of a film (when all that follows picture is white text on fairly static background). One argument is that the lights should be initially placed on low, followed by a pause of about 10s for the audience’s eyes to adjust and then to high. The counter argument is that the projectionist should press low and then afterwards high (so there is a smoother transition that just going to high straight away). This discussion will be taken into another meeting.
Meeting Ended at 18:29