Projectionists Meeting @ 2013-06-24 18:10:00
Projection Meeting Agenda
Week 10 Summer 2013
Monday 24/06/13 18:10 SSL
1. Welcome and Apologies
Present: Georgie R (chair), Fergus C, Rob M, Yeng S, Kay C, Rob M, Jethro H
In Attendance: Oliver B
Apologies: Ed M, Sam K, Rob G, Alex P, Jacqui B, Max H, R.H.
Chocolate fudge cake was also present
2. Technical Officer’s Report
Sound and stability on both projectors has been unreliable during recent shows.
3. Projection Procedure Changes/Discussion
No changes
4. Outdoor Screening Discussion
Reviewed Alex P’s plan for Monday - Friday, which was distributed to projectionists via email on the proj and tech mailing lists.
5. Time and Date of Next Meeting
Monday Week 1 Autumn Term (TBC)
6. AOB
James M reminded projectionists that keys need to be returned to VP by the end of the week.
Meeting Ended at 18.36