Projectionists Meeting @ 2013-10-28 18:10:00
Projection Meeting Agenda
Week 5 Autumn 2013
Monday 28/10/13 18:10 Rootes LG Room 1
1. Welcome and Apologies
Present: Georgie R (chair), Andy M, Tim G, Max H, Jethro H, Alex P
In Attendance: Thomas P, Bonita C, Alex R, Reece G, Freya J, Olie S, Charlie R
Apologies: Rob G, Fergus C, Philip B, Alex P, Sam K, Rob M
2. Technical Officer’s Report
Everything is practically perfect in every way
3. Projection Procedure Changes/Discussion
The media server is almost up and running. It can be used for VNC and the internet as well as slides, but not yet for music.
Speakers are still being put away incorrectly. The speakers must not be pushed down beside or even against the pipe. They fit without doing that.
4. Training
The CP asked the trainees present whether they would be interested or felt like they needed an ATS to show them what certain problems or incorrect commands could look like on screen. The trainees unanimously agreed that this would be a helpful tool.
5. KPMG Sponsored Event
Projectionists were reminded that there is a KPMG sponsored event on Tuesday, and help is needed to distribute food and drink at the end. Anyone free is warmly invited along.
6. Time and Date of Next Meeting
Monday 18.10 in Rootes Learning Grid Room 2 (to be chaired by the Technical Officer, Alex P)
7. AOB
No other business.
Meeting Ended at 18.35