Projectionists Meeting @ 2014-01-06 18:10:00
Projection Meeting Agenda
Week 1 Spring 2014
Monday 06/01/14 18:10 ROOTES BAR
1. Welcome and Apologies
Present: Georgie R (chair), Andy M, Alex P, R.H., Reece G, Phillip B, Rob M, Bonita C
In Attendance: Charlie R, Alex R, Freya J, Enrik N
Apologies: Rob G, Fergus C, Allie W,
2. Technical Officer’s Report
Everything is fine
3. Projection Procedure Changes/Discussion
2014 playlist changed
4. Trainees
Snaps tests for Freya and Charlie
ITSs for newbies on Wednesday
5. Lord of the Rings AllNighter
Alex P is happy to help out. Trainee Thomas P is also free to train.
6. Removing crew status and keys
If projectionists do not maintain their proj requirements, their keys will be removed and their q-proj status revoked.
7. Time and Date of Next Meeting
Monday Week 2 Spring Term
8. AOB
There was no other business
Meeting Ended at 18.34