Projectionists Meeting @ 2013-10-07 18:10:00
Projection Meeting Agenda
Week 2 Autumn 2013
Monday 07/10/13 18:10 Mighty Duck
1. Welcome and Apologies
Present: Georgie R (chair), Alex P, Max H, Sam K, Andy M, R.H.
In Attendance: N/A
Apologies: Rob G, Fergus C, Rob M
2. Rotas
Saturday late (Star Trek II), Sunday late (Place Byd Pines)
3. Technical Officer’s Report
Everything is in epic working order.
4. Projection Procedure Changes/Discussion
There were no suggestions.
5. Trainees & Wednesday ITSs
Following the interviews, these individuals were selected for the new digital training scheme:
Alex Ricou (3-4)
Philip Beckett
Bonita Chung
Elliot Nosworthy (old 35mm trainee)
Freya Jackson (4-5)
Reece Goodall (2-3)
Charlie Roberson
Thomas Purchas (ITS done) - to be the only 35mm projectionist
6. Wednesday Workshops
There will be fortnightly 35mm workshops for training new projectionists and refreshing q-rpojs
7. Pub Quiz
All hands are needed to help out at the Pub Quiz, which will be held in the Copper Rooms for the first time ever (and hosted by your very own CP). Set up begins at 6pm.
8. Time and Date of Next Meeting
Monday Week 3 18.10 SSL
9. AOB
There was no other business.
Meeting Ended at 18.35