Projectionists Meeting @ 2014-02-17 18:10:00
Week 7 Spring 2014
Monday 17/02/14 18:10
1. Welcome and Apologies
Present: Charlie , Philip B, Reece G, RH, Georgie R, Tim G, Andy M
In Attendance: Thomas P, Alex R, Oliver B, Jonatan B
Apologies: Rob G, Fergus C, Alex P, Bonita C, Allie W
2. Technical Officer’s Report
‘Everything’s fine’
3. Projection Procedure Changes/Discussion
Ads are now to be played at a volume of 5.5 instead of 6 because they’ve got pretty loud.
4. Trainees
-Thomas P’s ATS2 will take place on Wednesday
-Alex R will have her snaps test on the weekend of Week 8
5. Night of Nolan ALLNIGHTER
The Allnighter will be happening on Friday so anyone who can should come along.
6. Time and Date of Next Meeting
Monday Week 8 , Rootes Bar at 18:10
7. AOB
-Andy will be going to Bradford on Tuesday to drop off Alien/ pick up Die Hard and would appreciate a hand
-Oliver reminded people to check KDMs.
-Everyone should be careful not to let projecting standards slip (e.g. playing trailers in the wrong sound channels)
-There have been problems with the caddy for the hard drive
Meeting Ended at 18:36