DM Meeting @ 2017-10-09 17:10:00
Monday 9th October 2017
Meeting commenced: 17:10
1. Welcome and apologies
Present: Caleb, Iain, Matt, Richard, Anjana, Mike Joy
In attendance: Kieran Hall
Apologies: Casper, Chris, Justin
CDM welcomed those present following the summer break, and distributed Tesco value chocolate
2. Rotas:
Week 2:
Pirates Friday 9:30 Alex?
CDM to email
Week 3:
Despicable me 3 Saturday 6:30 Matt (potentially)
Despicable me 3 Saturday 9:30 CDM to send email
CDM to email
3. L3 Doors
Over the summer, the L3 doors were changed and no longer swing both ways, and parts of the door
do not self-close. Fire checks will now consist of ensuring all doors are unbolted and easy to open.
All 3 posters will now be placed on outer doors as follows;
The Please wait sign will be placed on the outside of the outer doors
No photography & No popcorn to go on the inside of the outer doors, so that when they are propped open they are visible as people enter L3
Stewards should be asked to close doors where possible during screenings when people leave etc.
CDM will make new posters, as the current set are showing signs of wear and tear
4. £50 notes
Due to recent till differences believed to be as a result of incorrect change from £50 notes, DMs must be present during transactions involving £50 notes.
Please ask stewards to wait for your return if someone attempts to pay with one, so that you can be present for any change giving; it is your till difference after all!
The frequency of £50 notes is believed to decrease as term progresses
5. Confiscation notices
A prototype notice of confiscation was proposed, following from Alex’s idea
Changes to the wording were discussed, and CDM will submit a revised edition
6. AOBs:
i. Concerning old pound coins, please try and shift any remaining before 15th October. It is felt
we should still accept them for a period after the 15th, but don’t give them out as change after this.
CDM will bank any that we receive
ii. (Kieran, on behalf of IT) The Master till has parallel connection on printer and the cable will only work on that one. If there are printing issues don’t swap USBs, but you can remove, straighten and replace the USB in its position
iii. (Kieran, on behalf of IT) Please can DMs and stewards avoid trapping USBs leads in the flight cases
iv. (Kieran, on behalf of IT) Please place till roll over the tension bar, NOT under, so mas to avoid curling. Kieran will make the printer manual available for reading
v. (Kieran, on behalf of IT) It is no longer possible to download an early banking form, as one is not required on double shows
vi. (Kieran, on behalf of IT) Epos now shows last 5 banking slips for shows DMed
vii. (Kieran, on behalf of IT/Technical) Eating at Warwick payments happening soon. There will be a submit cash/submit card option on EPOS. It was suggested that a refund system be implemented, as stewards may accidently select wrong option. Payments will appear on the show report. There will be a DM training session, CDM will confirm a date and time
viii. (Kieran, on behalf of IT) Please can DMs and stewards screenshot all errors, even if the error disappears at a later stage
ix. The former Publicity Officer requested the rolling of A2s
x. Following Saturday’s Getting Involved Meeting, FoH emails were sent to 47 new students interested in stewarding
xi. Candidates for the TDM scheme will be looked into around week 5, following observation stewarding
xii. CDM distributed the new safe combination for this term (Following a request for Kieran to leave)
xiii. CDM to email IT officer about free for member’s ticket on pirates of the Caribbean
xiv. CDM reminded those present that late comer fees are down to DM discretion, and that the DM has final say in matters regarding FoH on the night
xv. Biscuits left over from meetings will be placed in the CDM tray for all DMs and stewards to enjoy
Meeting concluded 17:42