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Exec Meeting @ 2024-05-24 02:00:00

Present: Daniel Kallin, Muhammed Hashir, Marnie McCrudden, Dallon Costello, Freya Clinton, Tomas Caldon, Martha Gibbs, Eleanor Armstrong

In attendance: Kieran Hall. Emrys Machnicki

Apologies: James Patt, Siddharth Nair, Eric Liu

2. Exec Updates
Marketing: It’s all good, marketing rota is full. No plan for summer, but it is easy to copy over, so will send that out when the schedule is finalised.
Publicity: Everything good, all docs are prepped waiting for schedule. Maybe revive the blog over summer, Dallon hasn't been receiving some of the emails. Email from film and TV about the blog but maybe good to look into that in term 1.
FOH: Everything is looking good, Cerys did not pass her first Q show, she will have another and Jon will have one also. Enough stewards for the arts festival, stewards just have to usher people in, it’s all done.
Proj: Everything going reasonably well. Qualified both Freya and Julian, Tudor will have his next week most likely. Am currently in the process of converting all the very terribly formated documentaries into the correct format for WASF
Socials: Lunch, maybe Sat or Sun.

Action Points
Try and get some more qualified DMs by the end of term.
Inquire/look into reviving the blog in term 1.
Send out the marketing rota once the schedule is finalised.
Organise the lunch.

3. Schedule + Pub deadlines
Last year, July 24th and pub was beginning of Sept, left a bit of slack. It can be pushed ahead if we want to wait for new releases. It might be better to wait, as there are not many new releases, so we can move stuff around if needed. Programming meeting will probably happen next weekend before summer, and we will have more of an idea and easier to say when things can be done by. First week of august as a provisional for the schedule.
Happy with that from a pub point of view, the 10th is probably okay as that gives two weeks. Good for the booklet, Sophie is going to give a session which will give practice. Martha might be going away in Sept, but let us know. Doing a booklet for the first time can be hard, so finalising welcome week first, doing that a bit earlier.
A6 with the welcome week timetable and getting involved. Maybe A5 for some events, like all nighter, but based on what everyone is around to do. Last two pub came late, can’t happen for welcome week, worst comes to worst we put on some classics.

Action Points
First week of August as a provisional date for the schedule.
The 10th for publicity, gives time for the booklet.
Work on finalising welcome week first since we can do separate pub for that.

4. Welcome Week
Waiting for release dates is not great for welcome week, so maybe finalise welcome week first timetable, deadline is the 21st. Hopefully it should be all set up by that time.
Did a popcorn stall on Tuesday, good for pub, if Pointon is there for welcome week we could try and do popcorn. Try and get a popcorn gang trained, this will be put on the timetable, and keep it on Tuesday. Should get our stall in the socs fair.
If anyone has any ideas let Daniel know, the 21st is the deadline for welcome week ideas.
If anyone isn’t around let Daniel know.

Action points
Welcome week's first timetable deadline is the 21st.
Try and get some people trained on popcorn for welcome week so we can do a stand on the Tuesday.

5. By-election
By-election for Pub and IT. The SU is changing voting, it’s going to be online only from September. Eric and Daniel might need to book a meeting, which might not affect the by-election. By-election will be in week 3, we could do it in week 10 but not sure if people are around so we will probably do it in week 3 term 1 on Wednesday. We can advertise the IT in welcome week and the getting involved meeting.

Action Points
Hold the by-election week 3 term one on Wednesday.

6. 70mm Oppenheimer Print
Discussion on Slack, where we were about keeping it or sending it back.
Universal has gone silent.
If we kept it for welcome week it could be cool to have it for welcome week.
If we plan on showing it we should let them know, ask them if we can rebook it for welcome week and extra screenings.
If we haven’t told them yet we want to reshow it, if we get back to them I think they would be fine.
Studios don’t seem to care too much, they normally print more than they intend to keep. It’s generally understood that they don’t mind, choosing to forget they don’t exist.
Only reservation, they wouldn’t trust us anymore.
We don’t want it to be shredded :(
The fact they haven’t emailed back probably means they don’t really mind anymore.
Happy to email them back.

Action Points
Contact Universal asking if we can keep it for welcome week, hopefully they won’t mind as they have not emailed asking for it back again yet.
It will just get shredded and we do not want that. :(

7. Hoodies + Polos Order
Like to get them by this term, try and get Eric to organise this week so we can have them ready for welcome week.

Action Points
Organise the hoodies and polos for welcome week.

8. Snacks Proposal
Some student cinemas do a snack stand, it is something we could do, something we could trial for welcome week. Would not be difficult to get another steward and a table, we might need a snacks officer.
There are vending machines right outside, if they are already there people might just go for that.
We could make it cheaper. We would have to let people know, if we do it at welcome week freshers would recognise we do it.
Possibly worth having a chat with Hannah, just because they need to do something with the money.
SU staff members are contactable in the summer.

Action Points
Could try the snack stand during welcome week, might be successful with freshers.
Have a chat with the SU regarding this, preferably Hannah.

9. Points Submitted to AGM to Discuss (film captioning, schedule start date)
Motions sent to AGM, we promised to discuss, they have been discussed in the past year.
Collectively, the assistive listening thing and nothing more have happened, apparently there will be a refurb in the summer, not too sure we will be able to use it.
Changing it to Monday would make it more confusing, everything revolved around the schedule starting on Sunday and would make things confusing for stewards and rotas.
Majority of people were not here in 2019, if it changes now it’s hard, had people coming on the wrong week.
Freshers are most confused, and with freshers they will be confused in the beginning but it doesn't take long to see it works from a Sunday, for all those people used to the schedule it would be hard.
More trouble to solve.
Would cause a few mistakes in terms of scheduling, it becomes so confusing when booking films and getting the dates right.
Messes all of the Pub also.
We have asked for captioning equipment, so hopefully we should be able to have it this time next year.

Action Points
The schedule will remain the same, since it will only be the freshers who have to adjust to this schedule, it will be harder for those already used to it.
Hopefully have captioning equipment by this time next year.

No more this term, there will be a programming meeting.
A teams meeting somewhen in summer, maybe another programming meeting in July.
Try and do one near the end of July, and just as we get back in welcome week, making sure term 1 is all good.

Action Points
Try and have a meeting near the end of July and just as we get back into welcome week.

11. AOBS
The teacher who contacted Freya, maybe get them to come see Hercules, maybe a group discount. If he says no we can just be done with it.
Programming meeting on Sunday please.
We will be working with Becca more during welcome week so keep in contact.
Get back to Warwick presents free screening - Friday before.
We are shortlisted for two best society awards and the SU awards, yippee!!! Great way to end the 50th anniversary year.

Action Points
Email the teacher regarding the school trip.
Organise a programming meeting for Sunday.
Keep in contact with Becca as we will be working with her in welcome week and the warwick presents screening.

Ended 2:59pm

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