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Exec Meeting @ 2024-10-20 16:00:00

Present: Daniel Kallin, Dallon Costello, Freya Clinton, Martha Gibbs, Eleanor Armstrong, James Patt, Marnie McCrudden, Holly Beaumont, Zak O’Brien, Vova Volkov, Eric Liu

In attendance: Anant Nambiar

Apologies: Siddharth Nair, Muhammed Hashir

2. Exec Updates
DK: Exec has got bigger, some new exec welcome all! Other big news is we got a £2000 grant from the SU. We are going to get a D rack kit, proj thing, and a specific hand out things for people that are hard of hearing, calibrating the sound in L3. Pub quiz tonight, big night for Martha, Tomas and Jacob hosting.
JP: Hashir and I said I can be there to help when Hashir isn’t there.
DK: Be great for people there for crew teams, VP has published a novel!!!

Hashir said at the training meeting, a few potential DM’s had been discussed. Issues with authentication, the EPOS page crashing.

Films Officer
Mystery films will be arriving, hopefully won’t be spoilt for everyone.

Recruited a trainee proj team, 25 people in the interviews it was incredibly tough we had so many amazing people. ITS is all done for the trainees, they have been signing up for shows, most have done at least two shows, apart from one. Proj’s are doing very well.

VV: Meeting with kieran on Wednesday and a meeting with Adam, hopefully by the end of this week on his feet.
DK: A couple new things on the websites also.

Want to do something about the blog, talk to Dallon about that.

Working on plans for stuff, a schedule done by Wednesday
Want to organise the first meeting group for freshers
Pub quiz tonight
Duck on Tuesday

Lots of collabs, need to organise them

Tracker has been completely filled
Might try and do a marketing social, so people can meet everyone else and the rest of the crew, could be done with publicity
Just the blog also, but will message over slack and figure that out

3. Welcome Week Roundup

Consistent number to shows, a sense that nothing was dropping off
The final Saturday really picked up, which was really good
Popcorn, managed to schedule it on the one day of the week, did really well, popping on the day worked out better and a constant stream of people. Gave out lots of pub also! The spot by the bridge is really good.
Socs fair, on the first day, a lot of people, constant stream and was very exhausting. Props to VP for sorting out that. Gave out lots of publicity so need to bring more next time.
In terms of crew, most rotas were filled up which was good.
More memberships and term passes have been sold.
We have had some really big events, like HTTYD.
The Elemental screening worked out really well, more than 60 people!
For digital shows, a good distribution of people doing different shows, spread quite well, very good, cute to have almost the entire crew on every show and working together.
No vomit.
Programming was really good.
Lots of people came to the getting involved meeting

Bad/Things we could do better:
Were not ready by Sept first to have tickets ready and scheduled up, the pub ended up being last minute. Got there on time but it was a knock off effect, people weren’t getting info fast enough.
No marketing for Dune before the day, if we are not posting anything no one could see us
Pub runs, started raining and accommodation had more security when there was before
More people came when we gave out pub in the piazza, they will be easier in term 2, even though it is getting tougher it is important to turn up.
Rain, a lot fewer people than normal.
Dune 2 may have been a bad decision but we did all back it, something for a further meeting.
Publicity shifted by the end of the week, the pub packs really helped, thinking we could have ordered more A5s.
Pizza took too long to arrive 🙁
Popcorn will solidify, worth doing inventory check before next week.
Were not as big with new releases, the biggest show was Interstellar, nothing that could push us to that Barbenhiemer level.
Term 2 will be a mini renaissance.
Timings kept on getting messed up in welcome week, some of the marketing slides went wrong.

4. Term 2 Deadlines
Printers will be closed soon!
Last year things came two weeks too late, we pushed it to the last moment, and there were problems which screwed us over.
Ideal deadline is December 9th, we could just take it as that week.
We would want proofs done by December 2nd and schedule confirmation like a month before which is quite soon.
Schedule confirmation, latest at the 4th, might be tricky but easier than doing stuff over summer, can’t control how quickly people get back.
Programming meeting: Week 4 Saturday, have a basic draft out by Wednesday with new and old releases.
Think we might have to be more brutal on the deadlines and ideally we don’t want to make the same mistakes.
Exec should start doing graphics and reviews and would take a load off publicity.
Make sure we have enough time and a few rounds for proofing, as an Exec we should put in more of an effort as proofing.
You can demand the office if you need to do your job.
We are not too late now, just need to make sure we keep talking.
Not sure if it would be possible to have it by the week of the 4th, will take more than one programming meeting, if a confirmed schedule was on the 12th pub would have less time.
Eleanor doesn't mind working on a not confirmed schedule, for summer we were waiting too long for confirmed
12th would be better and more realistic.
Daniel will ask for a vote on the 12th and will put it on slack.
Once we know what’s wrong, we can sort out the issue much quicker, and communicate a little better.
One thing we do need to keep in mind is we sometimes can’t just because of degrees, but we have a huge crew so could encourage other crew members that are not exec as some of us are overwhelmed after welcome week.
If we have more people on it it would go much smoother.

5. Sub-officer election: Welfare
We need a welfare officer
Do we still want to link it with events and socials, Martha or Zak could run for it.
The role is essentially, no duties, but we attach it because you could organise some welfare events. The more important thing to remember is you are not a therapist, only meant to signpost people to go towards things.
Are we happy to keep it with events and socials: for: 12 against: 0 abstain: 0
Well done Martha!!!
Have a discussion later.

President where the real ale booklet promotes us and we advertise on our slides in return.
Pros: their booklets have a lot of reach, normally.
Perhaps do it only advertise in term 2, or four weeks before the event.
Find out from then when they need something from us so we can promote events.

Like to try and get something in place sooner rather than later, ideal recruitment time for arts students.
Video signage, 15 max otherwise it will look weird, depends on what screen we want it.
Value our video space very high, basically free advertising in a uni place, a video would be £125 per week.
Cost for advertising booklet in term 2, booklet page we could do, not sure at all about pricing, has to be divisible by 4, need to look at last year's spring one to figure out.

Collab on Close to You with trans society
Show it with captions, as most would like captions.
Cannot guarantee it will come with captions, so we'll just have to hope when the DCP gets there.

Pride Collab with The Watermelon Woman
Discounted tickets.
Use of the space of the foyer outside after the film, DM make an announcement to let people know before the film starts.
Happy to book a room, but they have made a post about it.

Please read Kieran’s messages as it puts in perspective how amazing our society is going above and beyond what our cinema and us students do. Everyone should feel really proud and keep up the good work.

Week 7, maybe around the time of schedule confirmation as there is nothing to discuss really other than that. Reading week is coming up so hopefully not too many people disappear.

Hoodie order!!! Middle of term 2. It would be nice to have them in our own exec roles.
Holly getting an IT account for the computers in the office.
Social ideas!!
Eric being copied into film booking emails.
Anything else to help with more than stewarding - lots of stuff you can do with publicity, marketing and IT.
Steve is here, cool guy!

Meeting ends at 5:22pm

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